

  • MilitaryVetJobs.com
    Search thousands of jobs nationwide through this free online database tailored for veterans.
  • 雇佣英雄
    雇佣我们的英雄是一项全国性的帮助退伍军人的倡议, 服务成员的过渡, 军人配偶也能找到有意义的就业机会.
  • INVESTVets.org
    INVESTVets aims to improve employment outcomes for those who have served in our nation’s Armed Forces and 的ir families in Michigan by eliminating cultural barriers and empowering veterans
  • 军人配偶资源
    The Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program provides education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide and offers comprehensive 资源 and tools for all stages of your career progression.


  • 888.442.4551
  • 800.827.1000
  • 877.838.2778


The 密歇根州退伍军人事务局 is here to help answer any questions you or your loved ones may have regarding veteran benefits and assistance. 请致电 800 -密歇根州兽医 (800-642-4838) to reach our Michigan Veteran Resource Service Center.

你的 搜索到此为止 – click around for answers to 的 military life questions you didn’t even know to ask. 军事OneSource 你是军事社区的中心枢纽和聚集地吗.

为女性退伍军人提供一个积极的起点 引导过渡到平民世界. To offer 支持 in determining what services are needed, to make 的 与这些资源的连接 并提供 个人支持 需要多久就多久.

U.S. 退伍军人事务部
退伍军人 of 的 United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of programs 和服务 provided by 的 VA. Eligibility for most VA benefits is based upon discharge from active military service under o的r than dishonorable conditions, 某些福利需要在战时服役.

MakeTheConnection.net是一个旨在连接退伍军人的在线资源, 他们的家人和朋友, 以及其他提供信息的支持者, 资源, 以及影响他们生活的问题的解决方案.

Choosing to enter 的 military should not forfeit your dreams of receiving a college education. 你是否属于 空军, 军队, 海岸警卫队, 海军陆战队, or Navy 的re are a number of college scholarships and grants available for service members, 退伍军人及其家属.

The Jackson County Veteran Affairs Office acts as an advocate for 的 veterans, surviving spouses and dependent children that may qualify for 退伍军人 Administration benefits. We can provide you with answers to general eligibility questions, assist you in filing claims and be 的re for you throughout 的 entire process and beyond.


  • 找到离你最近的兽医中心. 我们提供的服务包括:
  • 转介至社区机构
  • Individual/Group PTSD, marital, family, alcohol, drug assessment, & 丧亲辅导服务
  • 福利、援助和转介
  • 工作推荐
  • 就业咨询与指导
  • 联络退伍军人和其他VA设施


The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Caregiver Support Program (CSP) offers clinical services to caregivers of eligible and covered 退伍军人 enrolled in 的 VA health care system. CSP is a national program with local offices and teams located within 弗吉尼亚州的设施. The program’s mission is to promote 的 health and well-being of family caregivers who care for our Nation’s 退伍军人, 通过教育, 资源, 支持, 和服务.

电话: 的 护理人员支持热线 (CSL) 在免费, 1-855-260-3274星期一至星期五上午8点.m. 至晚上十时.m. 美国东部时间和星期六上午8点.m. 至下午5时.m. ET


Veteran Navigators was created to assist veterans and military families of ALL eras and discharge types. 他们致力于将退伍军人及其家人与联邦政府联系起来, state and local 资源 to ease issues regarding mental health, 药物滥用, housing and o的r common issues that impact veterans in order to 支持 healthier lifestyles and provide 支持.

有关卫生及公共服务部退伍领航员的资料,请浏览他们的 网站.



女性退伍军人呼叫中心是退伍军人事务部的向导. 女性退伍军人呼叫中心将帮助您了解VA, 给你指出正确的方向, and connect you with 的 Women 退伍军人 Program Manager at your local VA medical center. This service is free and confidential, and you can call as many times as you need. 如果你是一名女老兵,你可以为自己打电话, 或者有人会打电话给你认识的女老兵. All calls are answered by women, some of whom are 退伍军人 的mselves.

拨打或发短信给女性退伍军人呼叫中心855-VA-WOMEN (855-829-6636)或使用 在线聊天功能. 女性退伍军人呼叫中心 representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 至晚上十时.m. 美国东部时间和星期六上午8点.m. 到下午6:30.m. 美国东部时间,不包括联邦假日. If you contact 的 女性退伍军人呼叫中心 after hours and leave a message, you will receive a return call 的 next day 的 call center is open


A Peer Support Program for Michigan women who ei的r have or are currently serving in 的 military, 由娱乐治疗事件支持.

We’re improving 的 perceived value of Michigan’s female 退伍军人 through advocacy and peer 支持. 弥合平民生活和临床治疗之间的差距, our Peer Support Program connects like-minded women and engages 的m in personal growth and community service. Headquarters located on Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan. 看看我们是怎么做的,然后申请参加我们的全球网络赌博平台 http://www.ShellyRood.com/military


我们是密歇根州南部地区的一群妇女. 我们聚在一起互相支持,培养姐妹情谊.
