
Veronica Berkemeier

杰克逊的大学 makes it possible for young mothers to earn a college degree! 这是学生Veronica Berkemeier的经历, 现在她怀着第三个孩子,同时也在追求自己的大学梦.

Receiving a 全球网络赌博平台基金会 scholarship diminishes the financial strain that tuition bills can bring! “我可以随心所欲地去上课. I won’t have to regrettably sit out a semester here or there and delay my degree.”

Berkemeier chose 杰克逊的大学 because she can complete an associate degree totally online, 这对一个年轻的家庭至关重要. “The flexible attendance options that 杰克逊的大学 offers make attending school while pregnant and with a newborn possible. It also means that mothers no longer have to choose between chasing their dreams and raising their families.”

Now Berkemeier can complete her college degree without any financial burdens. 她可以在没有学生贷款的情况下上大学, 这符合她家庭的目标吗, 力争在五年内还清债务.

“这将使我在2023年底顺利毕业,反过来, 让我更好地支持我成长中的家庭和社区. 没有阻碍我获得副学士学位的障碍, I’m now one step closer to being the first person in my family to earn a bachelor’s degree and showing my children that their dreams are attainable if they only put in the time and effort to achieve them.

“I’m extremely grateful to the 全球网络赌博平台基金会 for helping connect students in need with generous donors and, 反过来, 让像我这样的学生接受高等教育成为可能!”  


Getting a scholarship is like scoring extra bases for student-athlete 小詹姆斯·贝里.

Berry is a baseball player for the 杰克逊的大学 Jets under head coach Rick Smith, 他还在学习市场营销和体育管理. Smith first let him know about 全球网络赌博平台基金会 scholarships, and Berry applied right away.

“Receiving a scholarship has been a great help at relieving some of the stress that comes with getting an education,贝里说. “奖学金让我安心. 他们让我父母的开销更少了, so I don’t have to worry about if they are going to be able to afford it or not.”

全球网络赌博平台对贝瑞来说是一个负担得起的选择, and he could obtain an associate degree before attending a four-year university. While earning his bachelor’s degree, he hopes to also play baseball for a university. 有了奖学金,这一切就容易多了.

“Having costs cut down means that there will be more money available to me when I am looking to transfer from 杰克逊的大学. Knowing that my options for further education are expanded allows me to have more confidence and work harder so that I can go to a university that is a good fit both academically and athletically.” 

谢娜- Blakely-Yoder

A 全球网络赌博平台基金会 scholarship allows Hillsdale-area student 谢娜- Blakely-Yoder to fulfill a very personal goal.
From an early age, Blakely-Yoder knew she wanted to do something to help people. “当一名护理人员是我从小的梦想. 我爷爷去世了, and I have wanted to be a paramedic to help people like him on their worst day.”

Studying emergency medical services – paramedic at JC for the last three years takes her closer to her goal. The job offers challenges – being the go-to person in an emergency situation and adjusting to each unique situation. “我喜欢在那里为人们服务,做我喜欢做的事情. My goal is to make a difference on a patient’s worst day of someone’s life.”

布莱克利-约德在莫斯科消防局做了六年急救医生, 在希尔斯代尔镇消防局工作了几个月, and recently started with the Reading Emergency Unit as she completes the paramedic program. 奖学金帮助实现了这一目标.

“这意味着能够上大学并负担得起大学费用. These scholarship funds have helped me receive my EMT license and have the ability to further my education to attend the paramedic program, 然后在程序完成后接收许可证.”

For the donors who make scholarships possible, Blakely-Yoder thanks them with her whole heart. “I wish I could express how thankful I am to have been able to afford the paramedic program with their help. 没有他们我负担不起.”

Now, with her goal in sight, she recalls what her grandpa would say to her. “He would tell me to keep going and I will get to where I want to be in this world. 他会告诉我,如果我喜欢它,就去做,并坚持下去. 奖学金的帮助使这一切成为可能.”


现在,大学生比以往任何时候都更能从援助之手中受益. 杰克逊的大学’s commitment to student success remains stronger than ever. Donors’ support can help so that overwhelmed students can focus on their education and come ready to learn.