中央校区 安全 Information

JC的愿望是在校园内提供一个方便和安全的环境. 以下信息是为了您的安全以及他人的考虑而提供的.

In Case of Emergency: CALL (9) 911

  • 匿名举报热线

    全球网络赌博平台安全现在允许公众通过在线表格匿名与安全人员分享重要的公共安全信息, 关于校园内犯罪或可疑活动的智能手机应用程序或安全短信. The system allows a safe and secure way for students, 员工, 并要求访客与保安人员分享重要信息,而不必担心遭到报复. This system is 100 percent anonymous, 由于该技术在安全人员看到之前删除了所有识别信息,因此无法识别发送者.

    提交 an anonymous tip
  • Automatic External Defibrillator


    1st Floor – Weight Room Spot Trainer and Room 101

    Health Laboratory Center:

    • 1st Floor – Student Commons area


    • 1st Floor – Near the University Extension Offices


    • 2楼-中心楼梯井和健康诊所外的额外AED.


    • 1st Floor – Front Elevator Area
    • 2nd Floor – Near Restrooms


    • 1st Floor – Elevator Area
      1st Floor – Dining Commons near the Jet’s Store.

    金色大厅, Maroon Hall, and Campus View:

    • 1st 楼层及大堂面积


    • 1st Floor – 图书馆 Information Desk

    Baseball and Softball fields:

    • Inside of each press boxes.


    • Next to main entrance.


    • Inside of East large bay area.

    Jackson Preparatory and Early College:

    • Outside of main office.

    Education Innovation Center:

    • Inside of main office.

    An immediate 911 call is placed when box is open. Read and follow the directions carefully. 如果还有其他人和你在一起,他们可以打911确认一下. 中心校区有几位JC员工是通过心肺复苏术/AED认证的. 如果您对心肺复苏术/AED培训感兴趣,请致电人力资源部796-8334.

    If you can’t get to an AED box and THERE IS AN EMERGENCY: CALL 911

    谨慎行事. 评估事实. 保持头脑清醒. 为他人着想. Act calmly and directly.

    1. Be sure 911 dispatcher knows:
      • 杰克逊的大学
      • Location where assistance is needed (building, floor, room, 等.)
      • 紧急情况类型.
    2. Notify 校园安全 and 安全 at 517.796.8620 (ext. 8620) and the 安全 Site cell phone 517.740.7986 .在发生紧急情况时,获得指挥紧急人员交通的协助, 控制人群, 疏散, 等. or contact the switchboard (0). 全球网络赌博平台安全部门的成员每天24小时都在校园.

    服务责任:在任何情况下,拨打紧急服务电话的人都不承担这些费用. 请求协助的人对费用负有首要责任. 其他安排可由JC人力资源部自行决定.

  • Building Surveillance

    The College uses surveillance equipment, including but not limited to cameras and software, in order to ensure employee, student and visitor safety. Surveillance is monitored 24/7 by campus security.  有关使用建筑物监控的标志张贴在主要入口.

  • 校园停车

    Over 1,700 parking spaces are available on the 中央校区. Parking is allowed in designated areas only, and is strictly prohibited in fire/safety vehicle access lanes, city/county bus access lanes, 障碍空间, all campus drives and roadways.

    校园保安人员已宣誓在校园内执行Summit镇和州的停车条例. 如有需要,将发出安全警告及违章停车罚则,以控制停车,并提供安全进出校园停车场的途径.

  • Employee Building Access

    Employee Building Access

    建筑物访问程序旨在保护您和您的同事在非预定工作时间内的安全. 非预定的营业时间是指校园通常关闭的时间,包括周末, 假期, and weekdays before 7 a.m. 或者10点以后.m.


      1. 名称/扩展
      2. 需要的日期
      3. 进入/退出时间
      4. 建筑/房间
      5. 原因

    这将允许全球网络赌博平台安全和安保人员服务安排你的安全和及时访问. When you are ready to leave, 请拨打517与全球网络赌博平台安全保卫部联系.796.8620 ext. 8620 or the 安全 Site cell phone at 517.740.7986.

  • 三陪服务

    Escort services are available upon request from JC security. 拨打517.796.8620 (ext.8620) or the 安全 Site cell phone 517.740.7986 to make arrangements.

  • 卫生突发事件


    • 胸痛或从胸部放射到下巴、肩膀或手臂的疼痛(可能是心脏病发作)
    • 呼吸困难, 呼吸困难, or shortness of breath (possible airway obstruction, heart attack or other life-threatening condition)
    • 昏迷(许多可能危及生命的情况,如中风), poisoning or heart attack)
    • Choking and coughing (foreign body in throat)
    • 面部或身体一侧虚弱,或不能说话(可能是中风)
    • Pale, blue or gray face, sweating and rapid breathing (possible stroke)
    • 当施加压力时不容易止血(需要医疗护理的割伤或撕裂)
    • 骨骼突出或剧烈疼痛,骨骼或骨骼附近的畸形和丧失活动能力(可能是骨折)
    • Burns, unless very minor
    • 咳嗽或吐血(可能是内出血),眼睛内有异物
  • Outside Campus Grounds Use

    Use of campus grounds (sports fields, 等.)受到限制. For information and scheduling, please call 517.796.8473.

    对于所有事件, 车辆(除雪设备除外)禁止在人行道或地面上行驶. All vehicles shall be restricted to roadways and service ramps only.

    Parking on grassy areas is strictly prohibited. Parking areas are provided on 中央校区. If you choose to park along the county roadway, 禁止车辆进入由学院人员维护的草地.

    Employee Building Access

    建筑物访问程序旨在保护您和您的同事在非预定工作时间内的安全. 非预定的营业时间是指校园通常关闭的时间,包括周末, 假期, and weekdays before 7 a.m. 或者10点以后.m.


      1. 名称/扩展
      2. 需要的日期
      3. 进入/退出时间
      4. 建筑/房间
      5. 原因

    这将允许全球网络赌博平台安全和安保人员服务安排你的安全和及时访问. When you are ready to leave, 请拨打517与全球网络赌博平台安全保卫部联系.796.8620 ext. 8620 or the 安全 Site cell phone at 517.740.7986.

  • 运输

    Public 运输

    Public transportation is available for students attending 中央校区 . Students can take advantage of reduced bus fares offered through Jackson 运输 Authority (JTA). JTA operates a special 服务一览表 to 杰克逊的大学’s 中央校区 when classes are in session.

  • 车辆的援助

    车辆协助是由校园安全和安保团队提供的礼貌服务. 拨打517.796.8620 (ext. 8620) or the 安全 Site cell phone at 517.740.7986. Vehicle assistance is limited to jump starting of car batteries. 安全 will no longer provide unlock services.